What should you wear to coding interviews? 👔

Kelvin Graddick · 1 minute read ·     
⁣What should you wear to coding interviews?
Here’s one of my first interview outfits versus one of my work outfits now 😅⏳

What should you wear to coding interviews?

📖 Story Time:

When I came in to interview for my current job ~7 years ago, as most people would I showed up in a suit and tie (a blazer, dress shirt, and slacks really; thanks grandma!).
My future boss (a co-founder and former developer) then walked up in a graphic tee, old shorts, and flip-flops. 🙃😅

That’s the day I learned that developers live and work by some kind of different rules 😎. Dev life.
Shoutout to my old boss Scott by the way; smart and great guy who gave me a shot.

Crazy part is that I was scared that my jacket was brown because the job placement company I was coming from told me that a brown jacket was a no-go.
I didn’t have any other jacket at the time so I wore it anyway.
I understand where they were coming from but man they had me scared for nothing. 😅
I don’t think they took into account the development norms.

Advice for devs interviewing: dress in what makes you feel most comfortable and that helps you feel confident.
Of course make sure it’s appropriate and not too distracting, but other than that, focus on the task at hand; showing them you are the person for the job.

⁉️ How did you dress in back in the “office days”?
How do you dress now working from home??

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