I'm a professional software developer who's been in the industry for ~12 years. I've built many websites, web app, mobile apps, services, APIs, and databases with ❤️.

Snippeta · iOS/macOS app
Copy, manage, and paste snippets of text to your clipboard with a single tap; no highlighting/long-tapping!
Linkify.Bio · website
Quickly provide multiple links in a social bio or ad through a single link!
Wave Link · website
Creative 3D website developed for software development company Wave Link, LLC.
GitHub · KG.codes
My personal GitHub page with more of my programming projects and contributions.
KG.codes · website
My personal/professional website, portfolio, and blog (this website 😉)
Mercedes Benz · iOS app
The mobile app for the Mercedez Benz of Columbus, GA. Vehicle listings, appointments, and news.

In which Big O notation time complexity does string comparison lie? Particularly when the strings are unbound and random. What is the complexity of checking whether one string is equal to another?

 1 minute read

Here's how I built a hair pro appointment booking mobile app called ‘Cut Corners’! I coded this a while back using C# using the cross-platform Xamarin framework. Cut Corners helps potential clients find stylists in their area based on detailed criteria.

 1 minute read

Do you want to build an app from scratch? Here’s one of my favorite tech stacks right now to build a web application/platform.

 1 minute read

⁣In addition to compensation from a traditional software development job, there are many ways to create additional streams of income as a software developer. Here are a few.

 2 minute read

Here is the problem and solution to a coding challenge from Leetcode.com called Find Pivot Index!

 3 minute read

It’s rarely a good idea to code in a complete silo when you are part of a team. Always seek mentorship, or at least feedback/code-reviews frequently, especially when you are first starting out.⠀

 3 minute read

⁣Since I just created a new ‘screen’ for a mobile app I’m developing using React Native, I wanted to break down the different pieces that make up a typical React Native component (app screen in this instance). ⚛️

 3 minute read

I went to the RenderATL tech conference last week and it was amazing man! It was one of the best experiences I’ve had in my professional career as well as in my life. Here's a recap.

 3 minute read

Trying to figure out what exact areas to study/practice to prep for an upcoming tech interview can be stressful! By following these tips, you can not only optimize your studying but also gain valuable insights and even potentially discover the exact questions that may be asked.

 3 minute read

I’m saying this because my Amazon Web Services (AWS) account got hacked. 😩

 51 second read